SVR-P250 P25 Compliant
• P25 Phase 1 Compliant
• 20 Channels
• New ESP™ Multi Vehicle Format
• AES / DES Encryption
• Programmable P25 or Analog Per Channel
• SVR-200 and SVR-250 Compatible
• Wide or Narrow Band Programmable Per Channel
• Emergency Signaling
• Factory Interface Cables for Most Popular Public Safety Radios

SVR P250 P25 Twenty-Channel Digital Vehicular Repeater
The SVR-P250 is the next generation vehicular repeater from Pyramid Communications that is fully compliant with the APCO Project 25 Phase 1 Digital Common Air Interface (CAI) protocol. Advanced features include secure communications with P25 portable radios, AES and DES encryption, and emergency signalling from portable to dispatch. PC programmable for up to 20 channels, with P25, wideband/narrowband, CTCSS/DCS, and emergency signalling on a per channel basis.
The SVR-P250 utilizes the new ESP™ priority structure that resolves priority conflicts during repeater idle time rather than at the critical start of a conversation. With ESP™, priority vehicles are assigned without user intervention to ensure uninterrupted communications when users exit their vehicles. ESP™ also ensures a quick recovery if two vehicles get in a priority mode at one scene.
The SVR-P250 is both P25 and analog capable and can interface to analog or P25 mobiles providing flexible inter-operability between systems that wouldn’t normally be able to communicate. The SVR-P250 will interface to analog, digital, conventional or trunking mobiles and is capable of operating with SkyTerra (formally MSV) mobile satellite phones. In trunking mode, the SVR-P250 ensures proper acquisition of the trunking channel and uses the Smart Trunking Access™ mechanism of alerting the portable users of trunking status information.
In analog mode, the SVR-P250 is fully compatible with existing SVR-200 and SVR-250 vehicular repeaters to provide seamless integration while users upgrade their systems from analog to P25 digital.